Join us Wednesday, July 22nd at 2:00pm EDT
Is your lab working at peak efficiency? Have recent events exposed your reliance on paper and physical proximity? Just how far can you take your lab through digital transformation?
The concept of digital transformation (DT) has been around for a while now, but more and more companies are starting DT projects in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. If your lab had to face another shutdown, would it be prepared?
In one hour, learn about how digital transformation can improve efficiency, productivity, and communication within your lab. Let our strategic planning and laboratory process optimization expert show you the steps to take to get the most out of your company’s digital transformation efforts in your laboratory.
You will have the opportunity to speak directly with a digital process optimization expert and receive real-time answers. Take home ideas to help your lab make a successful digital transformation.
This is a complimentary hour-long presentation including a Q & A section