The Three Ps of a Major LabWare Upgrade Project

July 19, 2023  |  2 p.m. EDT

Any number of disastrous things may happen in the course of your LabWare upgrade journey. But you can mitigate major issues by following three simple P’s. (Attend to find out what they are!) You have probably heard cautionary tales before, but the odds are that you heard from someone who hasn’t performed a major system overhaul—such as a LabWare 7 to 8 upgrade with a new domain and new infrastructure—since they started writing their first book back in 2003.

In one hour, learn from a consultant who puts boots on the ground what he thinks are the main concepts that need to be addressed, sometimes delicately and sometimes forcefully, to make the move from LabWare 7 to 8 as smooth as possible. Join our LabWare expert as he discusses his method to the madness of a LIMS upgrade with three simple and often overlooked P’s!


Key Take-Aways:

  • Hear how to leverage your corporate structure to assemble an upgrade team
  • Understand how best to approach a large-scale (in terms of visibility or technicality) project with less stress
  • Learn from the pitfalls of poor vendor communication to avoid the same mistakes
  • Leverage the techniques of our skilled consultants to plan your upgrade with the least amount of disruption
  • Discover that the secret to success could be as simple as the Three P’s!

Who Should Attend: LIMS Administrators and Project Managers could benefit the most, but all attendees will have the chance to talk directly to the person who performs the work. You don’t need to be a technical person to understand and reap the benefits of this webinar.

  • LIMS Administrators and Project Managers
  • Department heads 
  • Everyday system users
  • Budget decision makers


You will have the opportunity to speak directly with a LabWare LIMS consultant to gain insight into the details of a major upgrade/change from that consultant’s perspective. You’ll receive real-time answers to your LabWare upgrade questions. By the end of the webinar, you will have defined concrete recommendations you can take back to your organization. 

The Three Ps of a Major LabWare Upgrade Project